getting materia-theme to change-color

nana-4/materia-theme is broken/abandoned, as you might have noticed if you've tried to make a custom theme on Themix like I did (before it was apparently removed? It's not in the app anymore as far as I can tell). Technically only the rendering script(s) are actually nonfunctional; the base theme is still mostly working. Basic black and blue boxes are for nerds, though, I want to customize it!

With the help of a comment on an issue, I was able to get a build at least successfully running with the command

find -name '*.sh' | xargs sed -i 's/rendersvg/resvg/g; s/--export-id/--export-area-drawing --export-id/g'
which fixes the broken resvg detection and usage. I'm not sure what the second line does; I think it might be trying to fix issue 523 which is a problem in the generated themes in GTK 2, but it doesn't seem to do anything for me. Instead, what I did to fix the incorrectly sized assets was to whip up a hacky script to crop the generated assets to size based on the prerendered assets in the repo:
for img in $1/*.png; do
    echo "cropping $img from $2/$(basename $img)"
    dims=$(identify -format '%G\n' $2/$(basename $img))
    mogrify -crop $dims+0+0 $img +repage
Then, assuming the generated theme is in ~/.themes/BarbarFOo and the freshly cloned materia-theme folder is at ~/materia-theme, you would run ./ ~/.themes/BarbarFOo/gtk-2.0/assets ~/materia-theme/src/gtk-2.0/assets. I'm not sure if this is necessary for GTK 3, but might as well do it. Hopefully, now you should have a correctly rendered recolored Materia-based theme! I guess you could have also used Nix to get an older version of Inkscape, but whatever.